Chef Blog | Eat Local Challenge Edition

The annual Eat Local Challenge is an exciting opportunity as a chef offer a greater awareness about the food I serve and menu for my guests. It allows me to think outside of the hot house foods and serve imperfectly delicious produce and items from within a 150 mile radius of our beautiful Irvine campus.

I have been a part of Bon Appetit for over 20 years and have had the unique opportunity to see the Eat Local Challenge evolve through the simple one plate offering, then challenging “Fish to Fork” and even “Bumper Crops”, however this year it is a challenge to go big! <strong>DO THE WHOLE CAFE!</strong>

While I am sure you are thinking, “there is no way!” I will remind you that we have a many connections and partner with local farmers, artisinal crafters, and ranchers every single day. And lets be honest, we live in Sunny Southern California, so almost everything is in season all year round! My favorite part of eating local is that you do not need a complicated recipe to make a delicious meal. Local foods have a much more flavorful taste than food picked and flown across the country because it is fresher. Simple science. Maybe a touch of salt and pepper, a squeeze of local lemon, plus fresh herbs from our cafe garden and viola! A simply delicious flavorful and vitamin packed local meal!

I hope you are able to come down and see the dishes I have created for you On Tuesday, September 24th while we blow out the cafe stations with local offerings!

Yours in flavor,
Chef Alberto